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Shipping and payment

Orders are shipped EXW within two days via FedEx, our preferred shipping partner. Shipping is prepaid, and invoices are due in 30 days. Credit card payments are accepted with required card details.

Shipping and payment

General Terms and Conditions

Orders are shipped EXW within two business days upon receipt. Our preferred shipping partner is FedEx, with shipping costs prepaid and added to the invoice. Invoices are due net 30 days, and we also accept credit card payments. To complete your order, please provide the credit card number, the cardholder’s name, and the expiration date.

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Mercodia’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO 13485:2016 and MDSAP (US and Canada).

GLP Compliance

Mercodia operates in compliance with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) as established by the OECD and the European Community at the time of the inspection.

If you have specific questions about our quality system, please email: quality-regulatory@mercodia.com

Unique Device Identifier (UDI)

Starting in April 2020, Mercodia is introducing Unique Device Identifier (UDI) labelling on all its products that are IVD registered in the US. This labelling appears as a 14-digit UDI number, a lot number, an expiry date and a 2D DataMatrix on the outer label on the kits. US customers should use the UDI number and the lot number in communication with Mercodia.


Several kits in the product list are CE/IVD labeled. Please refer to a specific product to check the regulatory status.


Robert Almstedt

Area Sales Manager Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

(+46) 72 292 15 08 BOOK A MEETING