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Mercodia Quality

Mercodia offers products and services with well-defined quality and high precision of delivery which places the utmost importance on our Quality Department and the role they play within Mercodia.

Meet Pelle Jadeborg and the Quality Team

To always aim for the highest standard is hard work and we will never finish improving our processes and workflows in the pursuit of creating the best products and projects for our clients.

Hear Pelle Jadeborg, Managing Director Quality, talk about his quality team and the important work they do.

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3 quick quality questions for Mercodia’s Managing Director Quality, Pelle Jadeborg:

How does Mercodia work with validation?

“Every new product is thoroughly validated by design verification, which ensures continuous high quality with regards to sensitivity, precision, accuracy, specificity, and fulfillment of intended use. Industry standards such as EMA, FDA and CLSI, and ISO are used as guidance and specified for each product.”

What about deviations?

“We have a Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) process where efforts are made to eliminate deviations that have occurred, their root causes, and to prevent deviations based on risk analysis.”

Can I be sure that all wells in the ELISA plate give the same results?

“We have a 96-well plate edge-effect testing program that ensures that the wells on the edge of a Mercodia plate do not differ in accuracy compared to wells away from the edge, which is otherwise a common phenomenon in average/generic ELISAs.”


Robert Almstedt

Customer Sucess Manager & Area Sales Manager Nordics

(+46) 72 292 15 08

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