Take advantage of our discount offer and save money without compromising on the accuracy and reliability of our products. Our short-dated kits are the perfect cost-effective solution for all your research needs. Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity.
- Rat Insulin ELISA – Lot 35930
- Rat Insulin ELISA (10-Pack) – Lot 35582
The discounted products have expiration dates of six months or less.
This offer* is valid for orders placed between June 1, 2024, and January 30, 2025, or until the specified kit lot is sold out or expires. To receive the discounted price, include the discount code SDP24 in your order to benefit from this exceptional deal.
* Discount only applies to the current list price and is valid only for specified kit lots: Iso-Insulin ELISA – lot 35703, Ultrasensitive Mouse Insulin ELISA – lot 35600, Rat Insulin ELISA – lot 35930 and Rat Insulin ELISA (10 Pack) – lot 35582. Only available for orders placed between June 1, 2024, and January 30, 2025, or until the specified kit lot is sold out or expires. Orders must include the specified discount code SDP24. To receive the discounted price, contact your local Mercodia sales representative or submit a quote request at www.mercodia.com/products. The discount can only be applied to customer or supplier purchases made directly through Mercodia. Other restrictions may apply.